Sunday, 8 September 2013

Ways to use energy efficiently.
1.     Energy efficient appliances use less energy and convert more energy into the form we want without loss of energy.
2.     To use energy efficiently , we should use :

a)     Fluorescent lights instead of incandescent lamps.Problem with incandescent light bulbs is that the heat wastes a lot of electricity. Heat is not light, and the purpose of the light bulb is to create light, so all of the energy spent creating heat is a waste. Incandescent bulbs are therefore very inefficient. A fluorescent lamp produces less heat, so it is much more efficient.

b)    Public transport or practice car pooling.When we use public transportation we could save fuel and reduce congestion.

c)     Recycle products because the products use less energy to manufacture a compared to new products.
d)    Turn off or unplug electronic devices, such as computers, power tools, cell phone charger and digital cameras, when they are not being used.

e)    Natural lighting. Open curtains and shades during the day instead of using lighting. This allows a maximum use of natural daylight.
f)      Use solar panels. This is one of the great options to increase energy efficiency. One can install solar panels for home appliances or just for the solar water heater

g)     Use pressure cookers and microwave ovens which reduce cooking time. Although microwave ovens use more energy than conventional ovens, the shorter cooking time saves energy.

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